Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Minor Tweaks: Summer Stress & Mow Patterns

We are always making minor (sometimes major) changes to the way we maintain the golf course.  Sometimes we are our own worst enemy and it can catch up with you very quickly.  With the record breaking heat we've had and the lack of rain, collars and green edges are a constant struggle for us.  To help reduce the stress levels, we will start walk mowing collars and the cleanup edge on greens.  This will keep the heavier machines off these areas and reduce the stress on these playable areas.  

Over the next week or two, you'll see white dots and flags down the center of the fairways.  We are marking the center line of fairways to bring the half/half mow pattern back for summer.  This saves us a lot of time as opposed to mowing the angles every time.  If done right, this gives the course a nice contrast with the stripes in the rough.