Friday, May 27, 2016

Project and Course Update

#18 Fairway Before
#18 Fairway After

Three trees were removed along the right side of #18 fairway to help improve playability.  This will give you an open shot at the green when you are in the 150-175 yardage range.  Before, the trees hung over the edge which eliminated a shot to the green from this distance.  Next week, we will prune up the remaining trees along the right side which will be more appealing aesthetically and give us an opportunity to get some turf in the bare areas.  This fall, we will install new irrigation pipe and heads so we can establish the turf in the area (like we did on #14 rough two years ago).  

#14 Tree Removal in Action

#14 Green After
Over the last 12 months, no area on the course has had the amount of attention like this one.  Trees were removed behind the fence as well as on the golf course to increase airflow and sunlight to the green.  We removed a total of 18 trees which allowed us to achieve our goals.  This green used to be under shade by 3 pm, but now it's been under full sun at 7 pm.  The overall plant health is noticeably improved as well as the playability.

On Thursday (26th), we mowed #14 green with our primary greens mower for the first time.  To this point, we have been walk mowing the green and stepping down the height weekly to get it to this point.  We will still proceed with caution on this green and give it a 'day off' when necessary to avoid any set backs moving forward.  

On top of the golf course duties, the crew completed a great landscape renovation at the clubhouse over the past few weeks.  With the new siding and painting on the building, the landscape looked 'tired' and was in major need of attention.  Great job!

*Click on the pictures to enlarge*

Monday, May 9, 2016

Greens Aerification: 'DryJect'

This spring, we changed up the aerification practice and went with a process called DryJect.  We went with this so we could create sand channels below our normal 3" depth.  With DryJect, we got down 4.5"-6" in depth and used approx 25 tons of sand.  This will help increase our infiltration rates in the profiles and allow them to stay firm after rain events.  Below is a descriptive picture (click to enlarge) that summarizes the process.