Thursday, October 20, 2016

First Frost: 10-13-2016

We saw our first frost of the season on Thursday (October 13th) morning.  This will get the leaves falling and start slowing the turf growth down.  It's an inconvenience to my maintenance team and golfers, but it makes a pretty picture.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Hayrack Ride & Bonfire

Last Friday, we had our annual hayrack ride & bonfire at FCO.  As usual, it was a great turnout and seemed to be enjoyed by all who came out.  With the soft course conditions it made it difficult to get a path mapped out for the hayrack ride, but we came up with one on the north side of the course which separated the kids from the fire.  It worked out perfect as we didn't have kids jumping out in front of the tractor or jumping off the hayrack during the ride.  Thank you to all who came out and enjoyed the festivities!