Sunday, September 10, 2017

Fall Aerification

Last week, we completed aerification on greens & tees.  Both processes went smoothly are are back to their 'normal' playing conditions.  On greens we went with a process called 'DryJect' which does not remove any material from the greens.  It creates a channel in the green (5"-6" deep) and it is immediately filled with kiln dried sand.  We pump right around 25 tons of sand directly into the green profile during this process.  We also used this time to overseed greens with T-1 creeping bentgrass.  I'm seeing germination already (especially in the aerification holes) as this is our attempt to establish more bentgrass in the greens and slowly push out the poa.  It's a long process and time will tell if we make any ground in this area.  

On tees we pulled a 1/2" core, pulverized them (dusty mess) and then overseeded with Perennial Rye.  As of today, we have great germination and the tees are healing nicely from the summer stress.

Both processes were long  and tiring, but these practices are what allow us to have great surfaces throughout the year.  Great work by my crew on completing these tasks!

Custom Made Railings

A few weeks back, we put the finishing touches on the new stairs with custom made railings.  Bender Ornamental created the railings and installed them with great precision.  They really turned out great and finish off the look and functionality of the stairs.

Here is a before/after picture of #9.  Oh how quickly you forget what it used to look like!

