Tuesday, May 30, 2017

#9 Cart Path Project Complete!

The last 'open' project on the course is now complete!  Last week, Flinn Paving got the new path poured and overlayed.  Since we moved the stairs to the center of the tee, the round-about was moved to match up to the stairs. Once Flinn was finished, we graded out the old round-about and sodded it in.  As the sod takes hold, the area will be roped off for the time being.  Thank you for your patience in getting this wrapped up, but it was well worth the wait!


Saturday, May 27, 2017

New Tee Signs

Thank you to the very generous members and their families for their sponsorship of the new signs.  They have been updated to match the new scorecards and we've added the handicap for the hole on the sign.  There are still several signs available to sponsor, so contact Kevin for more information.  Thank you again for making this happen!

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Rough & High Traffic Aerification

With this stretch of wet/cool weather, it makes for perfect conditions to alleviate compacted/high traffic areas by using solid tines and aerifing them.  Andy is getting around the bunker complexes as well as cart path entrance/exits.  We're using 3/4" solid tines and going 2.5-3"  deep.  This makes a huge difference in turf quality, especially come mid summer.