Monday, March 14, 2016

Season is Underway!

Last week, we got covers pulled and greens mowed for the first time of the season.  Coming out of winter there is always the great unknown, but we came out just fine and the course is in great shape heading into spring.  There is a lot of work to get done, but we're way ahead of where we were last season and I think everyone would agree.

#14 green has made great strides over the winter and early this year.  Today, we used small tines (1/4") on tight spacing, 3" deep.  The practice is vital in the success of this green to prevent any 'layering' in the profile.  This will help the roots continue to work their way down and strengthen the plant.  As spring rolls through, we will continue to work the green height down slowly, but can cause more damage than good if you work it down too quickly.  Aerification will be done frequently throughout the season on this green to aide in establishment.