Here is a turf lesson in simple
FCO greens are primarily
Annual Bluegrass AKA-Poa annua. Poa is a winter annual and
is considered a ‘weed’ in the turf industry. This turf is very
susceptible to winter damage due to its low tolerance to cold temperatures and
its extremely high susceptibility to ice damage. Over the course of
winter, there are 5 main causes of winterkill that we watch for.
1) Low Temperature.
2) Desiccation (death from the drying during winter)
3) Ice Accumulation
4) Crown Hydration
5) Disease
How does this relate to FCO and
primarily #2,#11 and #14 Greens you ask? Last winter, we had several
freeze thaw cycles through the months and this actually causes the potential
for damage to increase on the putting surface. Add opening the course and
playing on frozen greens (like we did the first week of February) on the top
and we’re increasing the risk to damage the greens. On top of playing on
frozen greens, the three greens mentioned are located at the low points of the property
meaning all moisture will drain and accumulate to these areas. During the
day the snow would melt and surface drain down the fairway and collect on the
low points of the greens. At night, the water would freeze and turn to
ice. Over a 2 week period, those areas accumulated a 5-7” layer of ice
which prevents gas exchange which limits the oxygen and increases carbon
dioxide to toxic levels creating turf loss.
What can do we do to prepare the
greens for winter? Before we shut down, we apply a heavy layer of sand
(topdress) to the greens. In doing this, we are attempting to protect the
crown of the plant (the growing point) which decreases our chance for winter
kill. We also protect the plant with a fungicide so we avoid Pink and
Grey Snow Mold.
What was done this Spring when
the issue was identified? We seeded these areas 2x, topdressed, needle tined
and fertilized. Those are all the correct steps to bring the green back,
BUT we continued to allow foot traffic on these areas causing any seedlings
that germinated to get destroyed by foot traffic. With the extremely wet
and cool spring, this was not a successful route. Those greens needed to
be roped off and ALL traffic should have been eliminated. We eventually
got to a point where sod was the only way to repair the greens so they are
playable for summer. We used our nursery green to repair #2 & #11 and
they are healing nicely. We decided to strip ALL of #14 and bring in sod
from a sod farm and re-grass the entire area.
How long will they be GUR or
Closed? #2 & #11 were completed 11 days ago. The roots are just
beginning to take and I envision this to be open in the next 10 days. I
am NOT going to rush opening the area and lose all progress we made. #14
will be closed for a minimum of 2-3 weeks (open for Fun Fest for sure). The sod
needs to ‘take’ (root) and then I will need time to mow down and prepare like
all the other greens.
I am going to reach out to ISTRIC
which is a soil testing company and get some tests run on my greens.
There may be an underlying issue with what’s going on. They will run some
in depth tests and give strong recommendations on aerification, topdressing
materials, fertilizer, etc. This will not be cheap, but will only improve
the condition of the greens. It has to be done. Also, I have set up
a meeting with a seed salesman and he is going to give a recommendation on what
type of seed we should be using and we will create and aggressive overseeding
program in attempt to incorporate more bentgrass in the greens.
In closing, over my 3+ years at
FCO we have made HUGE strides to improve this facility. The issue that we
are dealing with now in VERY stressful and know I am doing everything in my
power to repair these greens. I need/will change my management
philosophies and do more to protect this course. I have been too ‘player
friendly’ and it’s not helping. I have heard hundreds of times “this is
how we always do it” and “we’ve always opened first” and honestly, that’s not
getting us anywhere. We need to do things for the right reason and not
because its what’s been done in the past. There will be push back from a
group of members, but I will take that rather than what we’re dealing with now.