Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Roots Need Air!

Last night, we were hit with another 1.6" of rain and more rain is in the forecast for the remainder of the week.  With the extremely high humidity last week followed by the rain on Friday, Saturday and now last night the entire course is water logged and soft.  This practice is a key component in gas exchange, drainage and rooting on the greens.  The greens were walk mowed followed by the needle tines (2" deep) and then mowed again with the Triplex mower to smooth out the surface.  The holes are hardly visible and are rolling smoothly. 

Due to the rains and high humidity, the greens have been softer than we traditionally keep them.  This is causing an increase in ball marks, so PLEASE do your part and repair your marks along with anything that was left behind.  My maintenance team repairs the marks daily before we mow and we have noticed an increase in our morning repairs this past week.  By everyone doing their part, it will improve the putting surface no matter what time you play.   

Friday, August 22, 2014

Seeding Time!

4,750 Pounds of Perennial Rye

500 Pounds of Seed per Seeder Load

                                   Equals a Dense Stand of Rye on FCO Fairways!

This week, we received our seed order and today we have started the process to get it established.  By the end of next week, we will have our 20 Acres of Fairways overseeded.  We are using a 3-Way Perennial Rye Blend at the rate of 6lbs/1000.  By continuous overseeding each year, we are able to keep the Poa encroachment in check allowing us to have a pure stand of turf. 

Thursday, August 14, 2014

#3 Tee: New Safety Mirror

A new mirror was installed to help with employee safety and prevent disturbance to the golfer.  The mirror will allow maintenance workers to see the tee box before pulling out on the path.  This area was an accident waiting to happen, but now is preventable. 

Friday, August 8, 2014

Bill's at it again!

Throughout the course of a season, the maintenance department is thrown a lot of curve balls with the weather, crew, golfers and equipment.  Thankfully, we have a top notch mechanic and he's saved us yet again.  Last week, our primary fairway mower (which is racking up many hours) blew a cylinder head which requires the engine to be stripped down in order to repair.  Bill was able to track down parts (important note: his diligence and research saved us over $1,100 on the parts) and repair the mower in less than 10 days.  It's talented employees like Bill that allow us to continue to make course improvements and keep the course in the best condition we can produce.  Thanks Bill!   

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Busy Monday!

With no scheduled Monday outing, the Maintenance crew got a wide open golf course to perform maintenance tasks without any disruptions which helps maximize our efficiency.  As you can see from the images above, we got our chemical/fertilizer application applied to tees, mowed fairways at tight angles (this helps take any 'grain' out of the turf that's caused by our half/half mowing pattern) and 'vent' (needle tine) greens and collars.  It's maintenance practices like these that primarily go unnoticed that allow us to have the best possible playing conditions we can provide you with.  I hope everyone has enjoyed this season to date as fall is right around the corner!