Friday, December 27, 2013


This is one of my favorite pictures I captured last fall. After the Holidays, spring will be here before we know it!  Hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday season! 

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

New Tee Marker Project

On top of course work, we have been busy making new tee markers for next season. We cut, sanded, stained and painted 150 new markers. They are currently getting our FCO lasered in the face of them. In front, you can see what the final look will be with the gold inset. They will be a nice addition for next season. 

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Equipment Maintenance-Bill

This time of year is extremely busy and important for our mechanic, Bill. He is the man behind the scenes who keeps the entire fleet of equipment running and cutting perfectly.  Most of his work goes unnoticed to many because there are very few issues with our equipment since he arrived at FCO.  Big thanks to what he does on a daily basis!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Tree Removal- #3,#8,#10

Today we took advantage of the weather and did some tree removal. We cut down a total of 4 trees which means there will be some firewood available! Let me know  if that interests anyone and we'll stock you up!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

#14 Tree Work

This morning we started the tree trimming between #5/#14. There are a total of 7 trees coming out and the remaining trees will be pruned up.  In the Spring, we will seed the area and rope it off until the seed has germinated and is ready for traffic.  This project will greatly improve this area not only from a playability stand point, but aesthetically as well.  

Sunday, December 8, 2013

First Snow

First snow of the winter! Safe travels. 

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Tree Planting Project

Thanks to the "41" Club, last week we completed our tree planting project. With help from the Green & Grounds committee, we hand selected 22 trees and 100+ grasses/shrubs for the course. They are all in and mulched and make an immediate impact on the course!